Starter: Send invitation email to your TED Talk to the following people. Make sure your email includes a polite salutation, the time and date of your TED Talk, your research question, and a brief description of what they can expect at the TED Talk
Initial Feedback and Critique Scheduling Get into the assigned groups that are on the board. No matter where you are in your process, you should do the following:
Once every member has talked through their presentations, you should schedule your critiques for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week (after Osprey Week and Spring Break!). You can do 2-3/day, as the critique protocol should take 30 minutes. Write on the board who is being critiqued on what day. Revise TED Talk Slides and Outline Take your feedback, make it better! You’ll need a revised version for formal critiques starting on Tuesday. Starter: Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs The art of the slide-based presentation - Today we'll take a close look at slides by comparing Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. We'll also see how Bill Gates evolved over time into an excellent slide-based presenter. Follow the directions and do EVERY STEP of this! A hard copy is in your TED Talk packet I gave you on Monday.
Develop TED Talks
Develop TED Talks
Starter: A TED talk you've surely seen (on purpose – we care not about his message). Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? We'll watch this with our graphic organizer. Debrief organizer in small groups (3-4 students), share out.
TED Analysis: In small groups, share out your TED analysis.
Student Examples: Watch at least half of a student example linked on my DP (see the Student Work tab under Senior Project) Take notes on…
Short Article: Making presentations in the TED Style. Read this article, and pick one of the talks described to watch. Explain why you chose that particular style, then watch it and take notes on…
HOMEWORK Watch ONE MORE student example. Start thinking about how you want to structure your talk, and what you want to include. TURN IN SENIOR THESIS! CELEBRATE WITH COOKIES! Overview of TED Prep and TED Talk schedule
Starter: TED Talk by Sarah Kay + graphic organizer. Debrief and share out. TED Commandments: Read them, choose most and least important, most surprising, debrief. TED Talk Analysis: Watch a TED Talk that speaks to you- it could be about anything! Take 15 minutes or so to choose. Then watch it, and write down the following:
HOMEWORK: Finish TED Talk Analysis (see description above) if you didn't finish it in class. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Proofreading Strategies See the above list for strategies to use while proofreading! Thesis Revision Stuck? Go back and revise for the following: PHASE 1: Most Important
HOMEWORK: Finish this beautiful piece of writing! I'm so proud of the hard work you've put in, and am looking forward to reading your polished pieces. Make sure that your hard copies are printed before class, and that you've shared it with me and your Senior Project advisor. Let's do this! Announcements
TED Talk Schedule Sign ups are OPEN! Put your name in the day and time that you prefer! If you haven't signed up by lunch, I'll put you in wherever there are open spots available. Thesis Revision Stuck? Go back and revise for the following: PHASE 1: Most Important
PHASE 2: Cohesion and Sentence Level (leave a few days for this)
PHASE 3: Proofreading (leave a day for this)
TED Talk Schedule This will open up for sign up tomorrow at 8:30. If you haven't signed up by the end of Humanities, I will put your name in! Check your emails for the link to the editable document. Thesis Revision Stuck? Go back and revise for the following: PHASE 1: Most Important
PHASE 2: Cohesion and Sentence Level (leave a few days for this)
PHASE 3: Proofreading (leave a day for this)
Writing Workshop #1: MLA Formatting Checklist
Writing Workshop #2: Writing an abstract
Thesis Revision Stuck? Go back and revise for the following: PHASE 1: Most Important
PHASE 2: Cohesion and Sentence Level (leave a few days for this)
PHASE 3: Proofreading (leave a day for this)
Peer Critiques
Finish them! Thesis Revision Stuck? Go back and revise for the following: PHASE 1: Most Important
Lori's BlogLesson plans posted daily. Come here to see what you missed, find instructions, etc. Archives
February 2025
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