REMEMBER: YOU MUST BE IN EXHIBITION DRESS WHEN MODEL SENATE IS IN SESSION! Speech Work Time: Take 20 minutes to work on your speech. Tighten up the language, add an introduction or a strong conclusion, add evidence/research, etc. Think you're done? Come talk to Lori. Speech Practice/Critique: I will pair you up. Stand up and give your speech to your partner while they time you. When you are done, they should verbally give you feedback on the following:
EXHIBITION PREP: Follow the Checklist! See checklist for what you need to accomplish individually and as a class for Exhibition. ALL of this needs to be done by the end of class. HOMEWORK:
By the end of class....
Senior POLs Guidelines (make a copy of this, and add it to your Drive)
HOMEWORK: None! Enjoy your break- we'll be plunged into Exhibition craziness when you return! ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Parly Pro Starter In which you will receive vast amounts of information about Exhibition logistics.
Speaker's List Sign up for a particular day that you would like to give your speech. See Lori to sign up for your day. Speeches
Senate Sport Cards Get your card laminated and on a lanyard for use during exhibition. Specialty Role Meetings Lori meets with all specialty roles to check in about Mocket feedback and their upcoming deadlines. HOMEWORK: Come to class tomorrow with a full draft of your speech ready for peer critique and practice (does not need to be printed). ANNOUNCEMENTS!
THE MOCKET! Meet in the Commons at 10:00 to being the Mocket. Make sure you have with you...
HOMEWORK: Come in with your speech mostly drafted at the start of class on Thursday. IMPORTANT SCHEDULE STUFF FOR WEDNESDAY (tomorrow)
The Mocket For our Mocket activity tomorrow, you will printed copies of the following:
Speech Writing See the documents page for your speech guidelines and assessments. By the end of class today, you should...
HOMEWORK: Write your speech thesis, and outline two paragraphs before class Thursday. Specialty Roles Biz'
Senate Sport Cards The laminator is broken (yell at Starbuck for letting her students use it!). We have ordered a new one, and it should be here by the middle of this week. Regardless, your sports cards are still due TODAY. Hard copies give to me- I will put them in a file for safekeeping. Digital copies send to me, correctly sized, and I will print them in color for you. Work Division on Bills I would like each student to send me an individual email telling me exactly which sections you worked on in your bill, and what you accomplished. If you feel your partnership was uneven in the workload division, now is the time to let me know. If you want me to consider this, I need to have this email in my inbox by the end of class. Bill Study I will give you the selection of bills that was chosen for each committee. Our goal today is to get a broad understanding of what is proposed in each of the chosen bills that we will be debating, and a very specific and comprehensive understanding of what is proposed in the bill for your committee. All bills and instructions for the bill study are linked on the Docs page of my DP.
HOMEWORK Finish Bill Study if you didn't finish in class. ALL BILLS AND NOTES SHOULD BE IN AT THIS POINT!
Parly Pro Starter Chairs and Ranking Members will run our Parly Pro Starter for the day. Senate Sport Cards Create your Senate Sport Card! Confused? See the doc in your packet, linked on my docs page, and the examples hanging behind my desk.
Parly Pro Starter
Complete the parly pro starter with Lori presiding. Bill Revisions Complete and finalize your bills. Make sure that you have...
TURN IN YOUR BILLS AND NOTES- Share them with Lori by 8:30 am on FRIDAY. SCHEDULE SHIFT!!
This will be in effect from Weds. November 2 through Weds. Nov. 16.
Parly Pro Starter Do the parly pro starter, with Lori presiding. Bill Revisions Revise and finalize your bills! A few notes:
Thank You Cards Sign and write on the thank you cards for our experts! HOMEWORK Finish your bill. Share it or email it to Lori NO LATER than 8:30 on Friday. No flexibility here, not even by a minute. Email early, rather than late. SCHEDULE SHIFT!!
This will be in effect from Weds. November 2 through Weds. Nov. 16.
Objectives: By the end of class today, you should…
Remember to use the BILL TEMPLATE on my DP once you start actually writing your bill! HOMEWORK: Have TWO printed copies of your complete drafted bills at the start of class tomorrow. DO NOT PRINT AT THE START OF CLASS. |
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