Starter 2: Why does poverty exist? Why does poverty exist? Write at least 6-8 sentences that offer an explanation for why poverty exists in the United States. Draw on your knowledge of history, politics, what you read, the music you analyzed, your own experiences… Dig deep, and use specific examples to support your ideas. Coach the Texts Coaching Norms:
The Uses of Poverty Paragraph by paragraph. For each paragraph:
Poverty by America Page by page. For each page:
Final Coaching Task: Have your group write two thought-provoking seminar questions on an index card and give them to me. Seminar Prewrite Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in a full paragraph (so, 1/4-1/2 a page). Make sure you have specific textual references/quotes in here.
Grayson’s Lesson (1st Period)
Songs with lyrics playing on the board, lyric sheets handout, notebook/google doc, pencil, highlighter, the slides. Fortunate Son- All Class
Made an America
Walking in the Snow
Final Debrief
Starter Set Up
Starter #1- Poverty in the US (10-15 min)
Overview of the Issue
Readings #1- The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All and Chapter 1 of Poverty This essay will be the first reading we will seminar on and then write about. This will be the basis for your first formal piece of academic writing, and I will use this to give feedback, and so you can set appropriate writing goals for yourself. For today:
Idea Fishing Part 2
College Essay Framing Steps (20 min)
Idea Fishing Part 2- Where are you? (5 min) Students sort into corners based on the following statements.
Idea Fishing Discussions (15-20 min) Group them up, then split between Kyle and Lori’s classrooms.
Idea Fishing Part 2- DUE next Wednesday at 9:25 AM. Split between Kyle and Lori’s rooms.
Conference with Lori and Kyle as Needed A Look Ahead… We have 6 weeks before we start senior thesis research (EEK). Here’s our rough plan for the next 6 Wednesdays.
Starter- Essay Refinement Read this short handout to compare how one student refined his essay and reflect on:
Work Time Priorities
Step 1: Prepare for the peer critique
EXAMPLES: Does my word choice and tone show my personality? How could my hook grab your attention better? How can I end my essay in a less obvious way? Do you understand the moral of my story clearly? How could that be clearer or stronger? Where could I add more depth and detail? Step 2: Get in your groups (see the board) Step 3: Essay Tuning Protocol DONE? You could…
Starter- Creating the Magnet
Goals for Today
Today’s Tasks:
DUE DATES- LATE (-10%) Starter: 3Ds and Example Essay
Goal for Today By the end of class, have a solid outline DONE. If possible, have started your draft! Today’s Tasks:
DUE DATES- LATE (-10%) Starter 4- Model Essays (10 min)
Read at least one of these examples. If you have time, read more than one. Then answer the questions below on your brainstorm document for the essay you liked best.
Debrief as a class Ira Glass on Storytelling (10 min) Listen to this. List 3-5 things that you learned about telling effective stories. Turn to your partner- how can you incorporate this into your college essay? So What? Exercise (20 min) Based on your brainstorms yesterday and today, list your top 3 anecdotes/experiences for your college essays. This is going to be a rapid fire verbal brainstorm with different partners to suss out the possible So What of your essay. You will want something to take notes with. Partner 1/Topic 1
Repeat with Partner and Topics 2 and 3 Choose Your Own Adventure:
DUE DATES- LATE (-10%) Starter- This is Water, by David Foster Wallace (10 min video, 15 total)
Instructions (5 min)
GOAL = Refined 2nd draft of at least one college essay. Which phrase best describes your current situation in regards to college essay writing? (5 min)
Narrative Structure- Straightforward, linear story.
GOAL TODAY = Lots of brainstorming and ideation Even if you already have an essay, I can tell you that so many students throw out the drafts they have midway through this semester to start again. My goal here is to give ALL of you many ideas to return to and to start with, and to make sure that ideas that you have are unique and specific to YOU. Create a brainstorming document! If you prefer to do this by hand, grab some paper. Here we go. Brainstorm 1: Core Values Exercise
Brainstorm 2: I Love + I Know Spend one minute making a random list of things you love. If you have a partner nearby, set a timer and speak your list aloud while your partner writes down what you say. Examples: I love ... the ocean. I love ... the way clean laundry smells. I love ... physics. I love ... my grandmother's pupusas, etc. Then switch roles, and you write while your partner makes their list. Here's a video of me doing this one. After you've done that, spend one minute making a list of things you know a lot about. (Examples: I know a lot about ... board games ... World War II history ... constructed languages, etc.) Again, if you have a partner, take turns talking and writing. Write Connect to values- star the ones that connect to your values when you’re done! Brainstorm 3: Feelings and Needs Walk through the handout. Reading Model Essays
Lori's BlogLesson plans posted daily. Come here to see what you missed, find instructions, etc. Archives
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