Starter 7- Seminar prep/review/goalsThink back to all of the topics/sources we’ve consumed in this mini-study. What idea/concept/quote/ has stood out the MOST to you or resonated the most with you? Explain why. What idea/concept/quote has resonated the least with you, or you disagreed most with?
Tech Article Review Use the handout to review articles in a small group and prepare for the in-class essay Quick synthesis of seminar
Time to Brainstorm
General Essay Requirements:
Additional Honors Requirements:
In Class Essay Tips and Tricks:
HOMEWORK: Be ready for the in-class essay on Tuesday! Honors Survey- Please take this if you plan on doing Honors this year! (come know you want to...)
Starter 6- Broken Window Theory (note...not the most visually stunning video, but a clear and accurate presentation!)
Tech Seminar Prep Continue reading and taking notes the required articles and the optional article(s). Listen to Podcast: How Can We Pay Better Attention To Our Attention? Make sure you write down the THESIS statement! HOMEWORK: By the start of class tomorrow, you should have the following things completed:
Starter 5- Brene Brown- Vulnerability (TED Talk)
Watch the TED Talk called "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brene Brown and answer these questions:
Afterwards, we'll discuss your thoughts on how this connects to our mini-study's essential question. Tech Study/Read and Annotate Again, I suggest starting with the required articles! End class with Podcast: Has Constant Stimulation Replaced Boredom? As you listen, take notes on 3-5 main ideas from this TED Talk that you think might be useful in answering our central question of how to create a sustainable classroom environment! Optional Personal Challenge/Reflection Activities
HOMEWORK- Read and take notes for 30 minutes. Build those good habits now! Honors Survey- Please take this if you plan on doing Honors this year!
Starter 4- How to get better at the things you care about
SEMINAR on "Habits of Highly Cynical People" Seminar Style:
Seminar Synthesis Take 10 minutes. In your notes, jot down your main takeaways from this seminar. Think especially on: How can this article help us to create or envision a sustainable classroom? Intro to Technology in the classroom mini-study
End of class: We'll listen to Episode 1 from the Attention, Please TED Radio hour Podcast: "How is our attention packaged and sold as a commodity?"
HOMEWORK: Spend 30 minutes reading and taking notes from the technology articles in the document linked above. I suggest you focus on the REQUIRED articles first! Starter 3- Motivation (David Pink: RSA Animate)
Watch the RSA Animate called "Drive: The Surprising Truth about what Motivates Us".
Weekly words of inspiration: “In Africa there is a concept known as 'ubuntu' - the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievement of others.” -Nelson Mandela Highly Cynical Coaching Get in the group I assign you. Take notes if you think that will be helpful to you.
Seminar Prewrite Answer at least two of the questions below. Must be typed!
HW: Finish seminar prewrite if you didn’t finish in class. DUE: Tuesday, 8/28. PRINT BEFORE CLASS! Bear’s Ears Intro- ASHLEY'S ROOM!!!
Intro Activity- Share Stories
Introduce “In Search of a Sustainable Classroom” mini-project Will go over the goals and structure of the first few weeks. The Habits of Highly Cynical People Read and annotate this article—it will be the basis for a Socratic seminar that is connected to our critical thinking goals for the course this year. Make sure to mark:
Starter 1
“It's not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities.” -Kristin Armstrong
Personal Core Values
Intro to Sustainability Project- Lecture + Notes (45 min)
HW: Get all class supplies by Monday at the latest. Don’t forget the comp book! |
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February 2025
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