Commons Set Up: Please set up the Commons with my projector cart and computer and chairs for all the seniors. Rachel will be working with you guys periods 5 and 6 today.
HOMEWORK: Work on your research notes for your local issue! ANNOUNCEMENTS
![]() Starter: Artwork Analysis
Let's get those artistic brains a churnin' today! Analyze the cover The Gulch magazine through the three spheres of economic, environmental and social/cultural sustainability! Jot dot all the things you see in here related to those three spheres and the way the artist is either critiquing Durango or attempting to inspire a more sustainable way forward. Share-out analyses and contrast to the 1872 painting, "American Progress" by Johnathon Gast Sustainable Development Project Brainstorm! Project Essential Question: What needs to be sustained more holistically in our own community and how might we do so in a way that takes into consideration environmental, economic and social/cultural needs? Framing: It is time to choose an issue of sustainability for us to focus on as a class for our final project. But first, you need research one issue of interest to you and write a proposal for why we should select that issue! More to come on that! To help you choose an issue, let's brainstorm as many issues of sustainability as you can think of at play in our community.
Topic Selection and Problem Statement
Sustainable Development Project Proposal Launch Read above for details on your first assignment! HOMEWORK- Start your research. Try to get at least a few sources identified and found. Hey all, I got back and my daughter promptly got sick. Please go to ASHLEY'S ROOM at the start of 5th period for instructions and clarification!
Starter: Feedback on the trip!
Small Group Discussion (groups of 4-5 students)-- reviewing trip journals/readings
Complete the Bears Ears Participation Rubric Self-Assessment (hard copies are in your folder attached to the readings and journal prompts) Final Journal/Trip Synthesis Requirements
The Writing Prompts (Choose ONE)
Bears Ears Information
See the link above for all information related to the Bears Ears trip! I will see you all tomorrow! 5th Period: ALL Seniors Meet in Commons with Group Gear
Group Gear
Other Things to Review:
Hiking Leaders Students get into their hiking groups (see below)
6th PERIOD- Seniors to regular classes Step 1: Read the following two articles and for both articles do the following:
Step 2: Get into THREE discussion groups. The sub will do this or you guys can.
Step 3: Part of your participation grade on the trip will be based on the respect you demonstrate for the land/environment. To help prepare you for this, please watch this video about how to visit archaeological ruins/cites/zones with respect Step 5: Ticket out the door-- please write this on a notecard and put your name on it and give to Lori before leaving! What are you hoping to get out of our Bears Ears experiential education trip? What learning or personal goals do you hope to achieve or what questions do you hope to answer? HOMEWORK- Get packed and ready for Bears Ears! Whoop! Announcements
Summit Preparation
Summit Preparation: Evidence and Proposal Planning In your group, you need to work together to develop a proposal to present to the rest of the group. Your proposal needs to include:
Bears Ears Summit As a Utah state official, Sarah will be facilitating this discussion.
Summit Debrief: Come together as a whole class and discuss:
HOMEWORK: Bring all GROUP GEAR to the commons tomorrow for a group gear check 5th period! Announcements
3rd Period: Stakeholder Summit Preparation Keep working your way through the assigned documents and notes. If you forgot your assigned position, check with me. Your goal today should be to finish all documents and notes. 4th Period: Guest Speaker in Commons Please go to the Commons for a guest speaker this period. HOMEWORK: Finish Stakeholder Summit Prep and Notes. Due: Start of Class, Announcements
5th Period: Guest Speaker in Commons Please go to the Commons for a guest speaker this period after James takes attendance. 6th Period: Stakeholder Summit Preparation Seniors should be working their way through their assigned documents and notes. If you forgot your assigned position, check with James- he has the list. Your goal today should be to read and summarize 3/4 of the documents. If you don't get there, assign yourself homework! HOMEWORK: Read and summarize 3/4 of the documents for stakeholder summit. Announcements
Goals for Today
Timeline Resources
Maps of Bears Ears Monument boundaries Watch Sacred Strides (11 minutes)
Read the Bears Ears Intertribal Proposal: Summary Full Text for those who want to learn more! Go on, get that education! As you read the summary, be ready to answer these questions:
Overview of Arguments for and against the monument
Last 5 minutes of class: Go over Stakeholder Summit guidelines and this week's schedule
HOMEWORK- Finish all work from today, be ready for assigned positions tomorrow! |
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