Essential Questions:
Framing: Over the next three weeks, we’ll be engaging in some intense study of two critical and controversial issues in preparation for Model Senate. After that, you will be writing legislation on one of the issues (whichever committee you are assigned is your issue). The speeches and bills are the primary assessments for Model Senate, so it’s essential that you feel knowledgeable about these issues. Starter 22- Senator Position Research Turn to page 2 of your Climate Change notebook. Complete initial research about your senator’s position on climate change and energy policy. Initial Climate Change Brainstorm Okay, now go to page 3 of your Climate Change notebook. Work through the initial brainstorm—we’ll check in as a class once you are done. Political Pressure (30 min) Turn to the top of page 5, and with the political pressure graphic, consider our question: What political dynamics keep lawmakers from taking action on urgent issues?
Clean Air Act (15 min) Setting the Stage: The CAA is important because it is the law under which our EPA has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. This is THE major political fight on climate change right now, so understanding this law, and the history of it is critical to our political debate.
HOMEWORK: Make sure that you have pages 1-5 of your issue packet complete. Comments are closed.
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